About Tau Kappa Epsilon

TKE Quick Facts

  • Founded on January 10, 1899 at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois.
  • More than 275,000 men have been initiated into the bond of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
  • 210 active chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada.
  • Governed by its Grand Chapter, which meets in biennial Conclaves to elect a Grand Council and revise or amend The Black Book (the International Constitution and Bylaws). The Grand Chapter is primarily made up of undergraduates.
  • The Grand Council governs the Fraternity between Conclaves.
  • 30 full-time employees on the professional Fraternity Staff. Thousands volunteer as unpaid staff.
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon publishes a quarterly magazine titled THE TEKE.
  • The TKE Educational Foundation offers over $75,000 in scholarships to collegiate Tekes each year.

TKE's Vision, Mission, Purpose

  • The TKE Vision is to create lifelong relationships that enhance educational, interpersonal, community and professional success.
  • The TKE Mission is to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life.
  • The TKE Purpose is to contribute to the advancement of society through the personal growth of our members, and service to others.

Personal Worth and Character

Since our founding in 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity has never had an exclusionary clause to prevent individuals from joining. Our Founders established a Fraternity in which the primary requisites for membership would be the personal worth and character of the individual rather than the wealth he possessed, the honors or titles he could display, or the rank he maintained on the social ladder.

We believe that college is the most opportune time for developing one’s abilities and to allow one the opportunity to grow as a man. Tau Kappa Epsilon aims every day to build Better Men for a Better World.

Six Key Focus Areas of TKE

Scholarship – TKE expects serious attention to academic performance. A strong academic record not only prepares you for success after you get your degree, but it represents your strength of mind to the world. By belonging to Tau Kappa Epsilon, all members commit to graduate on schedule with an above average GPA.

Character – Tau Kappa Epsilon shows members that there are basic principles of effective living such as integrity, honesty, patience and fidelity. You can only experience true success and enduring happiness through life as you learn and integrate these principles into your basic character.

Leadership – TKE offers young men the opportunity to develop as leaders – and prepares them to use those skills during their lifetime. Members are encouraged to take an active leadership role in chapter and campus activities. Studies show that 76 percent of all congressmen and senators belong to a fraternity.

Teamwork – Tau Kappa Epsilon believes that building relationships, unselfishness, and people caring about each other are the keys to successful teams. When chapters reach their potential, they will achieve a level of excellence in athletics, chapter business, campus activities, or anything they do.

Service – TKE is committed to instilling a sense of responsibility and contribution in all of our members. TKE enables chapters to provide service to their campus, community, and national philanthropy. Fraternities and sororities contribute countless hours and raise millions of dollars for worldwide charitable organizations.

Brotherhood – TKE provides a family environment in which members establish solid friendships that last a lifetime. Tekes around the world act as a network of friends, which can be very beneficial, both personally and professionally. Stated in our Declaration of Principles, “We believe that the essential elements of true brotherhood are love, charity, and esteem.”

Declaration of Principles

We regard mental development as of vital importance, but of equal consequence is the acquisition of a knowledge of men and a proper conception of their relation to one another. This is not obtained from texts and lectures, but from actual and intimate intercourse with men. To promote these ends is the avowed and earnest purpose of this fraternity. Fully realizing the burdens of this duty, we enter upon its performance with the conscientious purpose of adequately meeting its demands."

William Wilson, National Founder, 1908

The Kappa-Beta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley was installed as a chapter on December 29, 1964.

Since 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has never had an exclusionary clause for membership. TKE does not judge men on their wealth, rank or honor, but instead on their personal worth and character.

Our mission is to "to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life." In essence, we build Better Men for a Better World.